"Qarabağ" - "Vorskla" - FOTOLAR

13:19 26 Oktyabr 2018

Avropa Liqasının qrup mərhələsinin 3-cü turunda “Qarabağ” Ukraynanın “Vorskla” klubunu qəbul edib. Oyun qonaqların 1-0 hesablı qələbəsiylə yekunlaşıb.


Sportarena.az saytı oyundan fotoları təqdim edir:


Şəkillər: PFL


Image may contain: 11 people, outdoor

Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and outdoor

Image may contain: 2 people, people playing sports and outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, playing a sport, stadium and outdoor

Image may contain: 2 people, people playing sports, stadium and outdoor

Image may contain: 2 people, people playing sports, stadium and outdoor

Image may contain: 4 people, people playing sports, stadium and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, playing a sport, child and outdoorImage may contain: 4 people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, playing a sport, stadium and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people playing sports, stadium and outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people playing sports, stadium, grass and outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people playing sports, stadium and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, playing a sport and outdoor

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